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Modern Ballet Ballet "The Other Side of sin" (Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre) music by Wagner, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov.
Mikhailovsky Classical Ballet and Opera Theatre (established 1833)

Schedule for Ballet "The Other Side of sin" (Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre) music by Wagner, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov. 2022

Composer: Modest Mussorgsky
Composer: Richard Wagner
Composer: Sergey Rachmaninov
Choreography: Boris Eifman

Orchestra: Mikhailovsky Symphony Orchestra

Choreography: Boris Eifman

Based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov"

Music: Richard Wagner, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov

It is the "Karamazov" marked the beginning of a literary dramatic ballet choreographer - a worthy continuation of which were "Anna Karenina," "The Seagull" and completed tetralogy premiere in 2009 - "Onegin".

In the formulation of the novel Eifman virtually relegated to the periphery - the scene unfolds its deep symbolic overtones. This is a serious ballet drama, with an extraordinary plasticity of thought, artistic expression of the world of ideas that lead to the solution of philosophical and prophetic mystery novel.

Critics point out that the author managed to create an unusual event - a visually appealing, elegant, expressive in form, as it should be in this ballet, and profound, exciting as a real concern Drama Theatre.


Dmitri, Ivan and Alyosha, despite the chasm of differences, linked together by invisible threads: they share a "stinking, sinful" the blood of his father, Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov. Futile attempts to untie the knot monk Alyosha skhlestnuvshihsya passions. He sees a fierce rivalry father and Dmitri from Grushenka, endless drunken orgies father throwing Katerina Ivanovna, who got entangled in their feelings and to Dmitry, and Ivan, but Alyosha, not only failed to help his friends, he is more finds himself in a hateful features "Karamazovism."

Ivan is full of compassion for the "humiliated and insulted," but their neighbors - Dmitri and father - hates.

In a fight because of his father and Dmitri Grushenka involved the whole "family". Fyodor Pavlovich killed ... Accused in the murder of Dmitry.


Dmitry in prison. For him, innocently convicted, loss Grushenka - an ordeal.

Ivan and Alyosha are endless dispute about the nature of being, of the human soul. The dispute is materialized in the legend, composed by Ivan, the Grand Inquisitor and Christ come again to earth. Ivan the Inquisitor argues that only ti ¬ Rania can give people a "quiet, humble happiness feeble creatures, as they are created." But Christ, Alex seeks to free people from fear and to give them "a free heart, to decide what is good and what is evil."

Inquisitor gesture - and docile crowd ready to crucify Christ again. "Why did you come to hinder us? .. Go and do not come at all ... never, never!" Pangs of conscience tormented Ivan, he blames himself for the desire to kill his father. The real and the fantastic mixing ¬ are in his mind - he sees the ghost of Fyodor Pavlovich ...

Ivan comes to languish in prison, Dmitri, to confess to their sinful desires. Lattice does not interfere with the brothers find love and peace.

Alex can not see human suffering, and, led by the love of the people released prisoners "House of the Dead" to freedom. Intoxicated by the feeling that "everything is permitted", the crowd violently crushes everything in its path.

Terrible finale of "family": killed Fyodor Pavlovich, Dmitri in prison, Ivan insane, Alex is guilty of countless innocent victims ... And yet, no matter how sinful man fell, he has a chance to take the path of purification ...

Schedule for Ballet "The Other Side of sin" (Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre) music by Wagner, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov. 2022

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