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20 November 2023 (Mon), 19:00 World famous Mariinsky Ballet and Opera - Mariinsky II (New Theatre) - Stars of the Stars World Opera Star Ferruccio Furlanetto Opera Giuseppe Verdi "Don Carlos" (opera in four acts) Conducted by Maestro Gergiev

Running time: 4 hours 10 minutes (till 23:10)

The performance has 2 intermissions

Schedule for Giuseppe Verdi "Don Carlos" (opera in four acts) 2022

Conductor: Maestro Valery Gergiev
Bass: Ferruccio Furlanetto

Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Costume Designer: Tatiana Noginova
Lighting Designer: Vladimir Lukasevich
Principal Chorus Master: Andrei Petrenko
Musical Director: Maestro Valery Gergiev
Musical Preparation: Alla Brosterman
Set Designer: Teimuraz Murvanidze
Stage Director: Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
Set Designer: Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
Costume Designer: Cristian Taraborrelli
Costume Designer: Angela Buscemi
Lighting Designer: Fabrice Kebour
Choreography: Roberto Aldorasi
Lighting Designer: Alexander Sivaev

Orchestra: Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra
Opera company: Mariinsky (Kirov) Opera

Opera in 4 acts

Performed in Italian with synchronised Russian supertitles

World premiere: 11 March 1867, Opéra de Paris, Paris, France
Premiere in Russia: 30 December 1868 Bolshoi Stone Theatre, St Petersburg, Russia
Premiere of this production: 29 November 2012, Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg, Russia

Politics and religion are dangerously entwined in Giuseppe Verdi’s Don Carlo. It is based on the 1787 dramatic poem by Friedrich Schiller and was first performed at the Paris Opéra in 1867. Verdi made extensive revisions to the opera over the following 20 years. This production by Nicholas Hytner follows the five-act 1886 version – Verdi’s final revision of the work. Don Carlo contains a host of vividly drawn characters, depicted through some of Verdi’s most complex music. The chilling Grand Inquisitor imposes his will in thunderous, dark-toned music, while the revolutionary Marquis of Posa sings a stirring duet with Don Carlos in praise of friendship and freedom. And in Eboli and Elizabeth, Verdi created two of his most sympathetic heroines.

Libretto by Josef Mery and Camille du Locle
based on the dramatic poem by Friedrich von Schiller

Performed in Italian

Don Carlos is a five-act Grand Opera by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi with a libretto written in French by Camille du Locle and Joseph Mery, based on the dramatic play Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien ("Don Carlos, Infante of Spain") by Friedrich Schiller.

Additional information

  • Characters


    ACT I

    Scene I. The Cloisters of the Monastery of San Juste.
    A friar is praying at the tomb of Carlos V, Don Carlosґ grandfather. Carlos is in despair because his father has married Elisabeth, to whom he was once betrothed. The Friarґs voice reminds him of his dead grandfather. Carlosґ great friend Rodrigo, the Marquis of Posa, enters. Carlos confides to Posa that he and Elisabeth are still in love. Rodrigo advises him to forget Elisabeth and take up the cause of the Netherlands, oppressed under his fatherґs rule. Carlos agrees and, after they have watched Philip II and Elisabeth pray at the tomb, they swear undying friendship.

    Scene II. A garden outside the cloisters.
    The Queenґs ladies are assembled for her return and Princess Eboli entertains them with The Song of the Veil. The Queen returns with Rodrigo. Under cover, he manages to pass her a private note form Carlos, who wishes to see her. She hesitates but, encouraged by Rodrigo, consents to the meeting. She sends her ladies away and Carlos enters. She agrees to persuade Philip to send Carlos to the Netherlands as governor, but cites her duty when accused of indifference to his love. He becomes impassioned and, when she resists him, rushes off. Philip enters, furious to find Elisabeth unattended. He exiles the Countess dґAremberg for negligence and the court departs. Philip draws Rodrigo back and asks him for frank advice. Rodrigo speaks for the Netherlands, but Philip warns him of the Grand Inquisitor. Philip confides his suspicions of Carlos and his wife, and asks Rodrigo to watch them. Encouraged that the Kingґs confidence may bring influence, Rodrigo agrees.

    ACT II

    Scene I. The Queenґs Garden.
    Carlos re-reads an anonymous letter – perhaps from Elisabeth – asking him for an assignation. A veiled woman appears and he embraces her, declaring his love. But when she removes her veil he finds not Elisabeth, but Eboli. His confusion persuades Eboli that it is Elisabeth he loves. Rodrigo arrives and tries to divert her. But Eboli loves Carlos herself and decides to reveal the truth to the King. Carlos threatens her and they quarrel furiously. She leaves, bent on vengeance. Rodrigo wants Carlos to give him any incriminating documents he may have. Carlos is doubtful because of Rodrigoґs newfound favour with the King, but warily gives him a cache of letters.

    Scene II. The Square outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of Atocha.
    A crowd has assembled to watch an auto-da-fe. Elisabeth and Rodrigo arrive in procession and Philip makes a grand appearance from inside the cathedral. Carlos leads a deputation requesting leniency in the Netherlands, and Philip orders them to be removed. The royal party joins in the plea, but the monks oppose it. Philip rejects Carlos as governor of the Netherlands and Carlos draws his sword. The King defends himself and Rodrigo, to protect his friend, demands that he surrender his sword. Astonished, Carlos does so, and is led off under guard. Flames rise from the stake and a heavenly voice welcomes the souls of the burning "heretics".


    Scene I. The Kingґs study.
    Philip reflects on his loveless marriage and feels that he will die alone. The Grand Inquisitor arrives and Philip asks him how to deal with his sonґs rebellion. The Inquisitor insists on Carlosґ death, and then demands that the Inquisition interrogate Rodrigo. When he has gone, Elisabeth rushes in, believing her jewel casket stolen, but Philip has it. He forces it open to find Carlosґ portrait and accuses Elisabeth of adultery. She swoons. Philip calls out and Eboli enters with Rodrigo. As the Queen recovers, they both voice their emotional conflict. Eboli is then left with the Queen and confesses that she gave Philip the casket and that she has also been his mistress. Stunned, Elisabeth orders Eboli to choose between exile and the convent. The Queen leaves and Eboli bitterly regrets the curse of beauty that has been her downfall. She chooses the convent, but first vows to save Carlos.

    Scene II. A prison cell.
    Carlos is visited by Rodrigo, who has come to sacrifice his own life for his friendґs. There is little time because he has arranged for the letters to be found on his own person. An Inquisition officer steals into the cell and shoots Rodrigo. Before he dies, Rodrigo tells Carlos that the Queen will be waiting for him at San Juste the next day. The King enters, but when he attempts to embrace his son, Carlos pushes him away. A crowd storms the prison and demands Carlosґ release. In the confusion, Eboli begs Carlos to leave and the Grand Inquisitor arrives to quell the mob.

    ACT IV

    The Cloisters of the Monastery of San Juste.
    Elisabeth enters to pray at Carlos Vґs tomb. Don Carlos arrives, telling her that the Netherlands, not their past love, now call him. They bid farewell, but Philip enters with the Grand Inquisitor and his officers, and orders both their arrests. Carlos retreats toward his grandfatherґs tomb and the friar, whom he had earlier heard prying, suddenly appears dressed in the royal robes and regalia of Carlos V. He draws Don Carlos into the cloister as the others watch in awe.

    Schedule for Giuseppe Verdi "Don Carlos" (opera in four acts) 2022

    "Don Carlos" opera
    About This Video
    G. Verdi
    Mariinsky Theatre 30.11.2012
    Conductor - P. Smelkov

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